Session Submission Summary

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Efforts to Conceptualize Key Structures of Teaching Practice in the Content Areas

Sun, April 10, 8:15 to 9:45am, Marriott Marquis, Floor: Level Two, Marquis Salon 15

Session Type: Symposium


This session investigates four conceptual structures that offer alternative ways to organize and interpret the work of teaching: core practices, professional scripts for teaching, instructional regimes, and teaching personas. Each of these structures makes visible and bundles together some of the interactive, cognitive, and interpersonal aspects of teaching by naming and foregrounding particular dimensions of the work. Each structure is situated within one or more subject areas (ELA, science, mathematics, and social studies). This symposium provides a unique opportunity to understand what each structure offers for examining teaching and to study these structures in tandem as tools for understanding teaching. The symposium also considers key challenges involved in capturing and naming the work of teaching in different ways.

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