Session Submission Summary

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Engaging Diverse Communities in Scholarship Through Innovative Community-Based and Culturally Responsive Methodologies

Tue, April 12, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Marriott Marquis, Floor: Level Four, Congress

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


The call for research to be ‘public’ is not new, but remains a challenge for many. At the same time, there is increasing interest and funding for innovative research and evaluation methodologies invested in outreach, community involvement, and cultural sensitivity. This session will draw from diverse methodologists’ expertise to understand how community-involved and culturally sensitive methodologies can be used across various research methodologies. The session will highlight innovations emerging from distinct and diverse methodological approaches (e.g., assessment, evaluation, and research and analytic methods) with the aim of integrating complimentary approaches and methodology. Some researchers are focused on indigenous evaluation methods, others on culturally responsive STEM education, and still others on LGBTQ issues in higher education.

Sub Unit

