Session Submission Summary

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The Power of Public Scholarship to Transform Policy and Practice: Five Award-Winning Books

Mon, April 11, 11:45am to 1:15pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Room 201

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


Five recent Grawemeyer Award winners articulate their theories of scholarship-in-action and discuss their experiences working with policymakers and practitioners to use their work to prompt educational change. The University of Louisvilleā€™s prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Education, celebrating its 30th anniversary, recognizes annually a work most likely to have an impact on practice worldwide. Each award-winning work provides a theoretical perspective, grounded in empirical evidence, and offers implications for reform in districts, schools, teacher education, and/or professional development. The session will be facilitated by an educational journalist who will frame questions that engage the scholars in discussing the impact of both their work and the award on their efforts to bridge research to policy and practice in communities and schools.

Sub Unit

