Session Submission Summary

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Urban Research–Based Action Network: Public Scholarship That Connects Collaborative, Community-Engaged Research to National Educational and Racial Justice Movements

Fri, April 8, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Room 201

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


Members of the Urban Research Based Action Network (URBAN) address the challenge of connecting local, community-based activist research to building national movements for educational and racial justice. The local grounding of this work responds directly to specific needs and interests. At the same time, these educational struggles increasingly operate in the context of national level institutions – the increasing role of federal government policy and organized interests. Researchers, advocates, policy-makers and organizers will discuss their efforts to balance these local and national dimensions by conducting research in support of community-based efforts to stop massive school closings and the school to prison pipeline and by connecting these action research efforts across localities. This dual effort seeks to use research to impact national policy debates, and to learn and draw from national struggles to strengthen local organizing. Table conversations will explore strategies for building networks for further collaboration among participants.

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