Session Submission Summary

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Increasing Educational Opportunities and Improving Outcomes for English Learners: Partnerships Between Public Scholars and School Leaders

Sun, April 10, 8:15 to 10:15am, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Room 201

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


Effectively assisting English learner (EL) students to achieve English proficiency and grade-level content standards within a reasonable time period is urgent. This session presents the work of the EL Partners--three university-district partnerships committed to improving EL policies, practices, and outcomes by investigating problems of practical and research significance. Participants will share findings, policy recommendations, and lessons learned from their collaborative research. In both small and large districts, the partnerships have investigated such thorny issues of practice as reclassification to English proficient, access to core content, language program models, and achievement. Findings across the partnerships make a compelling case for recommendations to improve EL classification and reclassification, collecting and using EL data, and EL access to core content, bilingual instruction, and highly qualified teachers. Lessons learned focus on aspects critical to partnering success.

Sub Unit

