Paper Summary

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Teaching School Counselors: Experience Required

Sat, April 29, 2:45 to 4:15pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Street Level, Stars at Night Ballroom 4


Concerns have emerged that initiatives to reform school counselor graduate programs, to address the unique school context and support school reform efforts, have not been widely adopted. Emerging research on the developmental trajectory of school counselor professional identity suggest that experienced school counselor perceptions and enactments of their school counselor role are distinct from counselor educators with limited school counseling experience. Few studies have looked at the degree of school counselor experience of the faculty who teach school counselors. This research effort collected college representations of their counselor education faculty’s school counseling experiences from their public descriptions on their counseling department web sites to provide data on counselor educator school counseling experience. Implications of this experience level is discussed.
