Paper Summary

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Examining the Service Work of Engineering Faculty: The Influence of Faculty Gender and Institutional Support

Thu, April 27, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: River Level, Room 6C


Using the concepts of cultural taxation (Padilla, 1994; Tierney, 1996) and identity taxation Hirshfield & Joseph, 2012), this study examined different types of service work patterns of more than 1,000 faculty members in engineering. We developed hierarchical linear models to identity gender differences in faculty engagement in committees, extracurricular and outreach activities, and student academic advising. Further, our analyses identified how institutional support for diversity influences service workload differently by faculty gender. We found that men faculty tended to serve promotion and tenure committees and to advise graduate students, while women faculty tended to engage in outreach services. We provide suggestions for practice and further research ideas to create more supportive environments for female faculty members’ service engagement.
