Paper Summary

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Effects of Violation-of-Expectation and Anxiety on Curiosity

Mon, May 1, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Meeting Room Level, Room 210 A


The present research is for investigating the effect of violation-of-expectation (VOE) on curiosity and the moderating role of anxiety in this relationship. It was hypothesized that: (a) VOE would lead to higher degrees of curiosity, and (b) the effect of VOE on curiosity would be weakened by anxiety. A mixed 2 x 2 experimental design was used, with two levels of the within-subject factor (VOE: high vs. low) and two levels of the between-subject factor (anxiety: high vs. low). The result showed a significant main effect of VOE on curiosity and a significant VOE x Anxiety interaction although anxiety did not significantly lower curiosity in high VOE sets. The findings will be discussed.
