Paper Summary

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Spanish in Confianza: Linguistic and Professional Development in a Bilingual Teacher Education Program in the Borderlands

Thu, April 27, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Hemisfair Ballroom 1


Following the language development of four bilingual pre-service teachers, this paper examines the concrete pedagogical and institutional measures taken to develop Spanish during their university coursework while using their primary language (English). Classroom language policies were developed collaboratively and deliberately throughout the semester as part of the curriculum, with each new assignment and in-class activity warranting discussion about the language demands/expectations. This study aims to contribute to the literature with explicit experiences integrating content mastery and language development among bilingual students in higher education; bilingual linguistic practices and pedagogies. This study provides implications regarding the need for horizontal language policies that foster effective cross-linguistic and pedagogical choices and the connection of language development with socio-cultural approaches to bilingual teacher education.
