Paper Summary

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Students' Engagement in Science and Optimal Learning Moments: Comparing Results From Finland and the United States

Fri, April 28, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Street Level, Stars at Night Ballroom 4


The present study examined the extent to which students’ subjective learning experiences (e.g., learning enhancers, accelerants, and detractors) are associated with students’ optimal learning moments in science/other academic classes among U.S. and Finnish secondary school students. A total of 261 students participated the study. Experience Sampling Method (ESM) via smartphone technology was used to gather the data in both countries. The analyses were performed with Mplus multilevel models. The results showed, that in both countries (both at the moment- and the person-level), and in science and other academic classes, experiences of learning enhancers were associated with high optimal learning moments. However, cultural and domain-specific differences occurred the subjective learning experiences and across domains.
