Paper Summary

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Critical Race Methodology: Combining Critical Race Theory and Mixed-Methods Research

Thu, April 27, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Floor: Second Floor, Lone Star Ballroom Salon E


Understanding the complex problems in education requires the use of more sophisticated methodological approaches. Because of this, researchers have increasingly embraced using a variety of research methods and theoretical frameworks. The use of mixed methods research, specifically, has seen considerable growth in education (DeCuir-Gunby & Schutz, 2017). In addition, as racism-related issues continue to increase and are more recognized in schools, Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become the frequent theory of choice (Howard & Navarro, 2016). Because both mixed methods and CRT have gained popularity in education research, there is growing interest in their combination (DeCuir-Gunby & Walker-DeVose, 2013). As such, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the combining of CRT and mixed methods research using as an example a study on people of color’s experiences with racial microaggressions in the workplace.
In the study, the research team used CRT to help frame the explanatory sequential mixed methods design (QUANT qual), including the creation of the research questions, the instrumentation, data collection, and data analysis. An essential aspect of the explanatory sequential mixed methods design is that the quantitative component helps to dictate the qualitative component (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). In the case of our study, the results of the quantitative phase dictated who we should study as well as what context(s) were best examined in the qualitative phase. As a result, the qualitative phase was designed in order to focus exclusively on African Americans in higher education, since most of our participants were from that work context. In the paper, we will explain our approach to combining CRT and mixed methods research, as well as the steps we took in maintaining the fidelity of the mixed methods design/analysis process while adhering to a critical race theory framework.
