Paper Summary

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Examining Reflective Thinking in Middle School Design Problem Solving in a Maker Environment

Mon, May 1, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Hemisfair Ballroom 2


Reflective thinking is a critical component in design problem solving. Despite this, few examples examining the role of reflective thinking in design problem solving have been reported in middle school settings, particularly those with an infusion of maker and other fabrication technologies. In this study, we used survey, video, and interview data to inform a deeper understanding of middle school students’ reflective thinking practices during design problem solving. Results revealed four primary findings: (1) Students employed varied reflective thinking approaches during problem solving; (2) Students primarily relied on the teacher and the Internet for support; (3) Students did not reach global or cultural levels of reflective thinking; and (4) Students provided inconsistent attributions to their support and practices.
