Paper Summary

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Supporting Praxis: Exploring the Digital Practices of Literacy Teacher Educators With a Critical Stance

Thu, April 27, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Floor: Third Floor, Bonham E


This paper examines the practices and pedagogies of six critical literacy teacher educators. Using the critical literacy framework developed by Lewison, Harste, & Leland in 2008, we examine ways in which teacher educators use the affordances of digital technologies to engage student teachers in praxis (Freire, 1970). This paper reports on three ways the literacy teacher educators engaged student teachers in praxis: bridging practice teaching and the academic program; moving student teachers from spectators to actors; and participating in authentic reflection. The participants in this study used various digital technologies to provide student teachers with authentic learning experiences, in turn supporting their engagement in praxis. This included using digital technology as a tool to construct knowledge.
