Paper Summary

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"Good for You Math": Exploring Women Crafters' Comparisons of "Craft Math" to "School Math"

Sun, April 30, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Street Level, Stars at Night Ballroom 4


There continues to be significant inequality in women’s representation in STEM careers. In efforts to remedy this, the importance of hands-on, interest-driven learning in math is often overlooked. Building on a feminist perspective, everyday math, and constructionism, we looked at traditionally feminine crafting practices as underexplored avenues for concretizing mathematical instruction by examining women crafters’ descriptions of their practices and their comparisons of “craft math” to “school math.” We conducted interviews with women crafters from six different craft traditions (e.g., crocheting, knitting, quilting, sewing, spinning, and weaving) and found that many of their comparisons of craft and school math commented on the purpose of math, a stance toward math, or a questioning of the nature of using of math.
