Paper Summary

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High- Versus Low-Performing Leaner-Centered Schools: School Profile, Personalized Learning Practice, and Technology Use

Fri, April 28, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Street Level, Stars at Night Ballroom 4


Personalized learning (PL) is a promising way to maximize every student’s potentials, and the importance of PL has been widely recognized. Five essential components of PL were identified from a literature review. Based on this framework, we surveyed K-12 learner-centered schools in the U.S. on their PL practice and technology use.
Using survey responses and school academic data of English Langue Arts, we compared high performing schools to low performing schools in terms of their school profile, PL practice, and technology use. Findings indicate that that high performing schools generally implemented PL more thoroughly and were equipped with a more powerful technology system than low performing schools. There were higher percentages of students from low SES in low performing schools.
