Session Summary

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42.024 - Postnationalism and Cosmopolitanism: Implications for Leadership and Curriculum-Making

Sat, April 29, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: River Level, Room 6A

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


Today a majority of nations have developed simultaneously toward increasing internal plurality and increasing global homogenization of curriculum aims. These challenges call for both a cosmopolitan view as well as educational thinking and curricula that respects cultural, ethical and epistemological variations. Papers in this symposium ask what kind of citizenship (political, economical and cultural) our contemporary educational institutions should promote amidst these contemporary challenges for democratic nation states. Further, the authors consider strengths and limitations of contemporary educational theorizing and methodologies in answering these questions through varying historical, contextual, theoretical and epistemological lenses as well as implications for leadership and curriculum making. In so doing, this symposium also provides opportunities for cross-national dialogue and potential future research collaboration among scholars.

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