Paper Summary

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Data-Driven School Development: Interpretation and Negotiation Processes at Disadvantaged Schools in Germany

Tue, April 17, 10:35am to 12:05pm, New York Hilton Midtown, Floor: Third Floor, Grand Ballroom Suite-West Ballroom


Studies show that schools that encourage competence in challenging circumstances incorporate data strongly into their school development practice. However, this does not allow any conclusions about how and to what extent the school’s capacity for improvement interacts with processes designed to improve the quality and effectiveness of schools. In this paper we address the question of how schools can be supported with regard to the systemic inclusion of data in school development processes. From the perspective of organisational theory, it raises questions about the ability to influence collective decision-making processes in schools. From a heuristic perspective it raises questions about the understanding of evidence as ‘objective truth’ and negotiation- and recontexualisation processes among stakeholders.
