Paper Summary

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Differentiated Instruction in Teacher Preparation Courses: Two Teacher Educators' Reflection

Sun, April 15, 2:45 to 4:15pm, Sheraton New York Times Square, Floor: Second Floor, Metropolitan East Room


Teachers are called to accommodate the needs of a wide range of students. To support prospective and current teachers, it is imperative to help them not only understand the theory of differentiated instruction, but how to implement it into practice. Building upon past research, the purpose of this study was to explore how past teaching experiences and expectations of two former K-12 teachers formed their philosophy and practice of differentiation in teacher preparation courses. The two researchers self-reflected on how their own practices related to various differentiation approaches and their individual transitions to higher education. Three themes emerged: differentiated instruction is student centered and student involved; assessment is intertwined with instruction; and differentiated instruction is needed in teacher preparation programs.
