Paper Summary

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Loud, but Clear? Exploring Core Values at a High School for Recently Arrived Immigrants

Fri, April 13, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Floor: Eighth Floor, Gallery 8


Failure to educate and integrate immigrant youth in the U.S. portends drastic consequences. This case study examines the values system at a public high school for recently arrived immigrants. The values are considered essential for realizing the school’s mission/vision, which is linked to the goals of integration. Jan van den Akker’s curriculum framework and Karl Weick’s theory of loose coupling guide the study. Evidence of tight coupling was found between the intention, implementation, and attainment of “Challenge Yourself” and “Learn Together”. Data related to “Act with Empathy” and “Create Change” suggested the presence of loose coupling. The findings may help align the implementation of these values with students’ experiences, and offer insight into perceived benefits of these school values.
