Paper Summary

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Students' Insights About Their Learning Process in Digital Visual Objects

Sat, April 14, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Floor: Eighth Floor, Gallery 8


This paper, based on a teaching innovation project and a research project to introduce DIY philosophy at the University, to foster visual, digital, creativity, collaboration and self-reflection competences, focuses in the analysis of participating students’ insights about their experience of developing, individually of in group, visual digital objects. These objects, generated by the students to make explicit their learning paths during a whole course or the development of an inquiry-based project, so that others could learn from their learning processes, have to both reflect and promote visual, digital, creativity, collaboration and self-reflection competences within a formative assessment process. In addition to analysing the produced VDO, student’s voices were collected by different means: formal and informal conversations, focus groups and systematic self-reflection.
