Paper Summary

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Predicting Sense of Belonging for LGBQ Students of Color

Sat, April 14, 2:15 to 3:45pm, New York Marriott Marquis, Floor: Fourth Floor, Gilbert


Strengthening a sense of belonging for marginalized students has been shown to increase their persistence and feelings of fitting in an institution. Previous studies on LGBQ college students have been primarily qualitative, and few have focused on the experiences of students of color. This study utilizes longitudinal data from the Higher Education Research Institute’s (HERI) 2015 Freshman and 2016 Your First College Year surveys to provide a quantitative, multi-institutional understanding of predictors of sense of belonging for LGBQ students of color. Utilizing regression analyses, results show that cross-racial interactions, interactions with faculty, and involvement in an ethnic/racial student organization either uniquely or more strongly predict sense of belonging for LGBQ students of color compared to their white counterparts.
