Paper Summary

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Achievement of English Learners in Monitor Status: A Cross-Sector Comparison From Denver

Sun, April 15, 8:15 to 9:45am, Crown Plaza Times Square, Floor: Lobby Level, Act III-IV Room


This research examines how English Leaners (EL) in monitor status are served in charter schools relative to traditional public schools (TPS). After receiving English language instruction and meeting certain criteria, ELs are classified on monitor status for two years. Given the given the flexibility charter schools enjoy, they may more effectively tailor instruction to meet the needs of ELs, resulting in greater academic performance compared to those in TPS. To determine if this is so, we exploit Denver, Colorado’s common enrollment system to use a novel identification strategy to measure EL performance between those in charters and those in TPS. Results indicate ELs in charter realize greater achievement in reading and math.
