Paper Summary

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Fraction Knowledge as a Predictor of Performance and Learning in Preservice Teachers Learning Algebra

Fri, April 13, 12:00 to 1:30pm, New York Hilton Midtown, Floor: Third Floor, Americas Hall 1-2 - Exhibit Hall


Weak fraction knowledge has been posited to hinder students’ ability to learn algebra, and research is needed to fully understand this link. During a college algebra course, preservice teachers studied worked examples designed to help them think about why fraction procedures work and to think about fractions as numbers. Findings indicate fraction knowledge may be more predictive of algebra performance than more general prior mathematics knowledge. Posttest fraction knowledge was predictive of posttest algebra feature knowledge, above and beyond pretest fraction knowledge. The intervention significantly improved participants’ fraction knowledge, but it did not directly translate to improved algebra scores, indicating further work is needed to understand how best to use what we know about fractions to improve algebra learning.
