Paper Summary

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Literacy Integrated With Kindergarten Science (LINKS): An Investigation of Impacts of Inclusive Kindergarten Classrooms

Tue, April 17, 8:15 to 9:45am, New York Marriott Marquis, Floor: Fifth Floor, Westside Ballroom Salon 3


A quasi-experimental design was employed to investigate the impact of Literacy Integrated with Kindergarten Science (LINKS), an intervention that purposefully infuses science content into literacy instruction, on science learning. Students from nine inclusive kindergarten classrooms and their teachers participated. Treatment teachers implemented LINKS components (e.g., interactive read-alouds of science informational texts, science-infused literacy centers, science writing activities) during three weeks of literacy instruction with all students. Findings revealed the treatment group significantly outperformed the control group on a measure of science learning (i.e., science content and inquiry skills). Following the intervention, more treatment students were able to verbalize a deeper understanding of science content covered during the intervention period than control students. Implications will be discussed.
