Paper Summary

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The Ideological Roots of School Discipline Reforms and Implications for Practice

Mon, April 16, 12:25 to 1:55pm, New York Hilton Midtown, Floor: Second Floor, Gibson Suite


In recent years, schools have experimented with alternatives to punitive school discipline. These efforts have been spurred by policy changes and significant federal and philanthropic funding. This comparative qualitative case study of California’s Central Valley school districts found that administrators often adopt a variety of reforms in response to policy pressures and funding opportunities without an explicit understanding of the diverse ideological roots of these reforms. These reforms then challenge, or fail to challenge, existing school cultures, leading to the co-existence of punitive and non-punitive school discipline practices. We argue that attending to the values and assumptions of competing reforms, educators can better select a reform that encourages and institutionalizes the kinds of school discipline culture they hope for.
