Session Summary

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Intents, Enactors, and Outcomes of Educational Supervision

Tue, April 17, 8:15 to 9:35am, Park Central Hotel New York, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Manhattan B Room

Session Type: Symposium


This session presents select chapters about the intents, enactors, and outcomes of supervision from the forthcoming Handbook on Educational Supervision (Blackwell). The intents of supervision remain focused on the growth and development of teachers within systems that have experienced disequilibrium from frenetic change and increasingly complex shifts in the work of supervisors through local, state, and federal accountability measures.
In this panel, we examine the intents of “supervision” and evaluation, including control and compliance. We also discuss ways “supervision” is influenced and enacted by various stakeholders within the supervisory context (e.g., school and district leaders). Lastly, we examine the intended outcomes of “supervision”: improving individual teacher practice; improving the school-wide learning environment; and building professional community.

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