Paper Summary

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Exploring the Effects of Growth Mind-Set Usernames in STEM Games

Sat, April 6, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Room 802B


One focus of researchers has been on the growth mindset, or the belief that intelligence is malleable (Dweck, 2006). This study explores whether merely having a username that draws upon a growth mindset (e.g., HardWork) can improve outcomes over a username that draws upon a fixed mindset (e.g., GoodGenes). 1876 participants played three games: 1) CS programming, 2) Tower of Hanoi, and 3) a math game. Participants randomly assigned a growth mindset username have significantly higher programming self-beliefs, and spent a significantly longer time on the math game. In contrast, participants assigned a fixed mindset username completed the Tower of Hanoi more often. Given the widespread prevalence of usernames, this study is an important first step in exploring their impacts.
