Paper Summary

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Tensions in the Implementation of a School Board–University Research Program

Tue, April 9, 8:00 to 9:30am, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 200 Level, Room 203B


This paper profiles the experiences of two teacher educators who engaged in a self-study exploring their experiences attempting to implement a funded long-term research program in collaboration with school board partners. We illustrate the complexities of attempting to be responsive to the unpredictable situations that arose, most of which were attributable to the continuously evolving priorities, personnel, needs, and interests of our school board partners. Analysis of our experiences documented the applicability of the framework of Berry’s (2008) six tensions as a lens to understand our issues and dilemmas. Enhanced understanding of these tensions may likewise enable others to understand and negotiate potential dilemmas that may arise in their efforts to implement funded projects in collaboration with school board partners.
