Paper Summary

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Poster #30 - Urban Student Perspectives of Community Partner Organizations: Using Community Partnerships to Improve Classroom Instruction

Sun, April 7, 3:40 to 5:10pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 300 Level, Hall C


Within the current political and educational era of accountability and standards, Community Partner Organizations (CPOs) can assist teachers in the development of teacher practice using research based strategies emphasizing professional development and communities of practice. Indeed, CPOs have the potential to positively impact teacher development and student learning as they provide intellectual, social, and material resources for teachers. This is important in urban schools in particular, where high stakes testing and accountability policy initiatives are often more demanding and the threat of school closure or turnaround is the everyday reality for teachers who are under enormous pressure to improve student outcomes. Within this paper, we turn our gaze to students’ perspectives of collaboration efforts between their schools and a CPO.
