Paper Summary

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Inquiry Learning, Storytelling, or Citizen Science? Exploring Perceptions of Learning in an Online Biology Course

Fri, April 5, 4:20 to 6:20pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 600 Level, Room 601A


Constructivist approaches that support socio-scientific reasoning around themes such as coal production and world carbon bank can be beneficial in engaging learners in science; students’ odds of choosing STEM careers depend on their perceptions of the relevance of science and science learning. This study investigated how the use of three pedagogical approaches (citizen science, storytelling, and inquiry-based learning) influenced online Biology students’ perceptions of learning. Qualitative and quantitative results indicate that although most students appreciated all three activities, the storytelling activity was perceived as most enjoyable and useful. Ordinal regression results demonstrated that gender and attitudes towards science influenced student perceptions of the activities. Female students were more likely to provide positive perceptions and appreciate storytelling and inquiry learning.
