Paper Summary

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Separate and Unequal in the 21st Century High School: Disparate Access to "College Prep" Curriculum

Fri, April 5, 2:25 to 3:55pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Hall F


This study describes the foundational aspect of access to opportunity in college preparatory courses in 21st century American high schools. This study shows that ten percent of American high school students do not have any college prep courses available anywhere in their district. This ten percent of students disproportionately falls upon certain subgroups of students in rural America. Charter schools, conversely, disproportionately fail to offer college prep courses in half of their schools. These charter school disparities fall disproportionately on charter school students in urban areas who are experiencing poverty. Theories on resource use explain these findings. Material resources describe infrastructure abilities by community economics. Human resources explain qualifications necessary to teach college preparatory courses in high schools.
