Paper Summary

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Education Policy Makers' Role Identity and Decision Making in an Era of Complexity

Sat, April 6, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 200 Level, Room 201B


Education policy carries wide-reaching and long-lasting effects; yet, research on educational policy decision-making often overlooks a critical component - the decision-makers themselves. Within a psychological-phenomenological frame and via The Dynamic Systems Model of Role Identity, we investigate education policymakers’ role-identity and decision-making processes. The findings shed new insight into the dynamics of educational policymaking, highlighting decisions as emergent phenomena generated by a complex integration of personal elements and social-cultural narratives, which provides citizens, organizations, and researchers better means to engage policymakers by conceptualizing how they perceive their role and actions, and which provides a framework for policymakers themselves to reflect upon their role, the dimensions framing their decision-making, and their impact on public education.
