Paper Summary

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Challenging Uncritical Ways of Knowing and Leading Through Transformative Decolonizing Educational Leadership

Fri, April 5, 2:25 to 3:55pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Hall F


Demographic shifts have placed diversity at the center of educational discourse and dialogue. As school leaders seek ways to respond to this increasing diversity they must be mindful of uncritical neoliberal policies that do not support the educational achievements diverse students. In this regard leadership has become an education policy priority around the world and recognized as a crucial ingredient in bringing about change in schools and improving learning outcomes for students. Utilizing qualitative secondary analysis (QSA) this paper examines the leadership practices of culturally responsive school leaders and explore ways that transformative decolonizing leadership (TRL) might support critical leaders on their journey. Through this methodology new epistemological leadership framework, insights and practices are shared.
