Paper Summary

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Poster #37 - "Objects to Empathize With": Designing Literacy Learning Environments That Support the Cultivation of Empathy

Sun, April 7, 11:50am to 1:20pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 300 Level, Hall C


This qualitative study examines ways of designing early childhood literacy learning environments for increased empathy. In one second grade classroom I investigate how picturebooks become “objects to think with” and couple that with drama techniques and various writing activities to support the cultivation of empathy. From a constructionist lens, what an individual can and will learn all depends on the design and models available (Papert, 1980). Together the researcher, teacher and students design imaginative spaces while exploring various social issues that foster empathy and overall inclusivity. The findings indicate that different design elements produce a heightened awareness of empathetic understanding when the participants create new knowledge together about real world issues using multi-modal approaches that support literacy learning.
