Paper Summary

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Participatory Visual Methodologies in a Post-Truth Era: Why Should We Engage With the Voices of Girls and Women With Disabilities in Vietnam?

Mon, April 8, 4:10 to 5:40pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Hall F


This paper aims to critically engage disabled girls and women in Vietnam through the use of participatory visual research. Drawing on the first and second phases of our collaborative project, we use participatory visual research as one decolonizing approach that enables the participants to co-produce knowledge on inclusion and exclusion. We will first describe the Vietnamese context and its politics of inclusion and exclusion. Second, we will demonstrate how participatory visual methods can enable the participants to construct their own narratives. We argue that this type of research can enable the participants to shape their meaning, in so doing challenging the invisibility of girls and women with disabilities in the global South.
