Paper Summary

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Poster #57 - The Demotivating Effect (and Unintended Message) of Retrospective Awards

Mon, April 8, 12:20 to 1:50pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 300 Level, Hall C


Schools frequently offer awards to motivate student behavior, yet few empirical studies evaluate their effectiveness in the field. We report a randomized field experiment (N = 15,329) that tests the impact of two types of symbolic awards on student attendance: pre-announced awards (prospective) and surprise awards (retrospective). Contrary to our pre-registered hypotheses, prospective awards had no impact while the retrospective awards decreased subsequent attendance. We provide evidence suggesting that receiving retrospective awards may demotivate attendance by inadvertently signaling (a) that recipients have attended school more than their peers; and (b) that recipients exceeded the school’s expectations for their attendance. A school leaders survey shows that awards for attendance are common, and that they are unaware of their potential demotivating impact.
