Paper Summary

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Approximating Praxis: Bridging Theory and Practice to Support the Development of Critical Educators

Mon, April 8, 4:10 to 5:40pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Hall G


Despite the necessary and important work occurring in both practice-based teacher education and within initiatives like “core practices,” we need to push for new considerations about what kinds of knowledge must be attended to in pre-service teacher education. By drawing on literature rooted in approximation of practice (e.g., rehearsal) and theories of praxis (theory and practice), this study proposes two forms of rehearsal that attend to practice and its’ relationship to teacher and student identity. Specifically, we analyze data from a practice-based methods course for Secondary English and History candidates and suggest a methodology to approximate praxis, allowing students to design their own preparation and ultimately re-design the work of teaching.
