Paper Summary

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Ohio Head Start Teachers' Perceptions of the Impacts of the Pre-K Classroom Assessment Scoring System

Mon, April 8, 8:00 to 9:30am, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 200 Level, Room 205A


This paper examines survey responses of Ohio Head Start teachers regarding their perceptions of the impacts of the Pre-K Classroom Assessment Observation System (Pre-K CLASS) on their classroom practices. The Pre-K CLASS was designated, under the Head Start Act of 2010, as a high stakes requirement for program funding. No studies to date have explored teachers’ perceptions of the use of this measure for high stakes purposes. Findings indicate that while teachers understand how impactful the Pre-K CLASS observations are on their programs, and attempt to implement the quality conceptualized in this measure as high quality, they struggle to understand the constructs within the measure and to be supported professionally in their efforts to meet these requirements.
