Paper Summary

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How Does an Evidenced-Based Pedagogical Model Work for English Language Learners? Challenges From a Randomized Field Experiment

Sun, April 7, 11:50am to 1:20pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 700 Level, Room 703


English language learners (ELLs) represent 10% in the U.S. (NCER, 2014). We describe the impacts of Instructional Conversation (IC) randomized intervention in 120 classrooms based on the Five Standards for Effective Pedagogy model (Tharp et al., 2000). It aims to develop students’ academic and academic language. The intervention randomized 120 teachers who completed a one year of professional development. IC English learners benefitted outscoring control group students in English language arts. The teaching model presented advances the field significantly in assisting teachers help all students and in providing the least restrictive environment for ELL students. An evidenced based direction on teacher preparation can raise important implications for guiding educational policies and practices for language minority groups placed at risk.
