Paper Summary

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Science Instructional Time and the Relationship With Science Achievement for Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Fri, April 5, 4:20 to 5:50pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Hall G


A history of poor opportunity to learn (OTL) science for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD) has impacted their science achievement. Science achievement is correlated with OTL for students with and without disabilities (e.g., Blank, 2013; Karvonen & Huynh, 2007; Lavy, 2015). We will describe science instructional time (IT), changes in science IT from 2017 to 2018, and the relationship between IT and achievement for students with SCD (N = 14,991). Teachers (N = 6,619) reported IT by science domain and science and engineering practice for each student (DLM Consortium, 2018). The correlation coefficients between IT and achievement will be reported across domains and compared to findings for general education students.
