Paper Summary

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It Matters Where You Go: Examining Differences in Degree Completion for Students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Predominantly White Institutions

Sun, April 7, 8:00 to 9:30am, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Floor: Lower Concourse, Grand Centre


Minority Serving Institutions are crucially important for providing students of color access to postsecondary opportunities. This study examines how attending MSIs (HBCU, HSI) impacts chances to persist and graduate when compared to PWIs. For this, we build on Arroyo & Gasman’s (2014) framework for Black student success and Garcia (2017) framework on HSI organizational identity. To better account for potential endogeneity and data nesting, we employ a propensity score matching, multilevel modeling approach. Descriptive results for degree completion show similar patterns found elsewhere in the literature in that students graduate at PWIs at higher rates. However, when examining propensity score estimation results, we find significant positive effects for students of color attending MSIs compared to PWIs.
