Paper Summary

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School Leadership in Texas Title I Schools Respond to New Mathematics Curriculum: Addressing the Needs of Teachers Through Professional Development

Mon, April 8, 10:25 to 11:55am, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Hall F


The present study is a part of a larger dissertation study. The study examined how school administrators are responding to newly adopted mathematics curriculum through professional development offerings on their campuses. Five Title I schools from four area school districts in Texas were used in the study. Schools were selected from a Texas Education Agency (TEA) campus comparison group from 2015. Portraiture was utilized in the qualitative strand. Qualitative data included administrator interviews and focus groups that were transcribed, coded, and exported into NVivio 11. Findings from this study revealed that the tapestry of our Title I structures can have landscapes that are covered in bright colors that truly have the ability to achieve academic success with effective leadership involvement.
