Paper Summary

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Looking Through a Learning Sciences Lens: Forging a Dialogue Between Leadership, Teaching, and Social Justice

Fri, April 5, 2:25 to 3:55pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Hall F


In this paper, the authors identify a core paradox in the field. Historically educational leadership has framed learning as linear, predictable and controllable which tends to see the student as the product of what educators do, while the learning sciences recognizes the active and deliberate agency of the individual situated within complex and dynamic systems. This paradox has created significant, yet often unrecognized disconnects between our stated goals of educating children, the scientific management influenced structures that the field has often defaulted to, and our growing understanding of the importance of the active agency of the learner. Using theory building methods we engage in a cross disciplinary exploration of this paradox through a learning sciences lens.
