Paper Summary

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Poster #28 - Why Distinctiveness Matters: The Impact of a Social-Psychological Intervention on Academic Success and Persistence

Sat, April 6, 12:20 to 1:50pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 300 Level, Hall C


Adult learners enrolled in online degree programs sometimes face challenges with engagement and degree completion. Here, we address this concern by administering a social-psychological intervention to assist adult learners in viewing achievement behaviors as opportunities to assert their distinctiveness within digital learning environments. In a large, ethnically diverse sample of students (N = 3,590), half were randomly assigned to a distinctiveness intervention. Multilevel models revealed that intervention students (1) earned grades that were two percentage points higher than control condition students, and (2) were more likely to enroll in school the following term. Additional qualitative analyses provide an in-depth look at how students discuss distinctiveness as affirming identities and serving as a critical driver of their achievement behavior.
