Session Summary

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66.067 - Intersectionalities in Leadership and Inclusive Education Research: Comparative Perspectives From Canada

Mon, April 8, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Room 803A

Session Type: Symposium


The central question that the papers in this symposium respond to is, “How does recent research on inclusive education in Canada inform comparative and international understanding of school leadership in a post-truth era?” Four papers will be presented based on research findings that address inequalities and educational opportunities for marginalized youth in Canada. The papers provide interdisciplinary, collaborative, and mixed-methods approaches to respond to the overarching question. The breadth of topics in the papers include diverse topics (disability, racialized youth, school leadership) and jurisdictions (English and French speaking). The discussant will provide a synthesis of the papers and suggest considerations for international and comparative research on the intersectionalities of school leadership and inclusion.

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