Session Summary

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15.025 - Critical Pathways in Indigenous Education: Reimagining Teacher Education for Indigenous Communities

Fri, April 5, 12:00 to 2:00pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 700 Level, Room 703

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


Re-imagining and transforming teaching and teacher education for Indigenous communities requires a critique of the historical, social, and political settler colonial structures, while centering Indigenous knowledge, values, and languages. Given this stance, what then are the (un)known generative processes and frameworks that inform Indigenous teacher education? The panel will share experiences of developing programs that embody an Indigenous teacher identity that is critical and culturally sustaining, decolonizing, privileges Indigenous knowledge and languages, and engages critical Indigenous pedagogies. Each bring to the forefront the urgency of mobilizing our Indigenous teachers to enact collective solidarity toward sovereignty/nation building, and transformative opportunities for Indigenous youth and communities to engage critical and decolonial praxis.

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