Paper Summary

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Collaborative Redesigns of a Sociocultural Approach to Reading Instruction in a World of Cultural Flows

Fri, April 17, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Virtual Room


This paper reports on a researcher-teacher project that represented a shift from researching a school; its curriculum and instructional approaches; and its students, teachers, and leaders; to practices of collaboration with these educational stakeholders to enhance students’ literacy experiences and learning in school. The paper reports on the design, implementation, and outcomes of a three-week independent reading unit undertaken with a group of adolescent learners at a Caribbean school. Thematic analysis of qualitative data revealed how potentially liberatory reading pedagogies can include elements that may be enacted by teachers and/or experienced by students as oppressive. Findings also include that collaborations among researchers-teachers, students, and school-leaders to redesign curriculum and instruction generated impactful knowledge and practices that helped redress these contradictions.
