Paper Summary

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Providing a Coherent System of Supports

Mon, April 20, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Virtual Room


The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) provides county offices of education, school districts, and charter school leadership teams with customized, research-driven, and hands-on support through multi-year pilot partnerships that equip local educators with the knowledge, skills and expertise to drive student learning. He will discuss three different efforts. First. the CCEE is working with school districts to improve Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) implementation through the LCFF Test Kitchen. The first Test Kitchen cohort is the Azusa Unified School District, Elk Grove USD, and Oceanside USD. The three districts will engage in a ‘user-centered design process’ in hopes of developing alternative approaches to the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Second, the CCEE is spearheading a statewide effort in partnership with the California Department of Education to address ‘systems coherency,’ i.e. helping districts develop clear, consistent structures so that each and every student receives a high-quality education. Finally, he will discuss the Community Engagement Initiative’s inaugural Peer Leading and Learning Network – an effort to build statewide capacity for authentic community engagement, with a focus on improving outcomes for all students, particularly English Learners, low-income students, Foster Youth, and students from other underserved student groups. For each initiative, he will outline the research base that undergirds each kind of support and the leadership implications involved in capacity building and implementation.
