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Authoring Dis/ability Identities: Mapping the Role of Ableism in Teacher Candidate Identity Construction

Sat, April 18, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Virtual Room


Ableism—the belief that abled ways of being and knowing are superior— perpetuates deficit views of difference, justifying oppressive schooling practices. Ableism’s entrenched pervasiveness in education systems can be a significant barrier in preparing critical educators who can work towards radical forms of dis/ability justice. In this paper, we argue that dis/abled teacher candidates can afford particular insight into how ableism operates in educational institutions and should be considered an asset to inclusive and socially just teacher preparation. Using Critical Conversation Journey Mapping as a methodology, we employ sociocultural theory and a critical dis/ability studies framework to explore how dis/abled teacher candidates experienced ableism throughout their educational trajectories and how these experiences can serve as cultural resources in teacher preparation.
