Paper Summary

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Investigating Young Children's Dis/ability and Race Concepts: An Intersectional, Multiplane Critique

Sun, April 19, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


Educational researchers have extensively studied young children’s dis/ability and race concepts, documenting young children’s capacity to recognize these identity markers. However, methodological approaches to studying young children’s dis/ability and race concepts have been limited by outmoded theoretical perspectives, leading to curricular interventions aimed at changing children’s attitudes without critically examining how intersecting, oppressive ideologies are perpetuated through social and institutional practices. Bridging Dis/ability Critical Race Theory and sociocultural theory, this paper proposes the need for intersectional, multi-plane research of young children’s dis/ability and race concepts. The paper describes and critiques methodological trends in investigations of young children’s dis/ability and race concepts, and concludes with research examples that provide a roadmap for future investigations.
